Edgar O. Castro Mendez


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119-4 Songdomunhwa-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, South Korea 21985

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Edgar O. Castro Mendez

I am a postdoc fellow at George Mason University Korea.

I am an applied micro-economist specializing in public economics and market interventions. I employ laboratory and field experiments, alongside observational data, to provide insights and draw policy implications for real-world problems.

I received my Ph.D in Economics from the Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science at George Mason University in December 2023.

You can find my C.V. here: [web] or [PDF].

Job Market Paper

“Price Distortions and Hoarding: An experiment" (Link here)

Published papers

“Public good provision and property tax compliance: Evidence from a natural experiment" (with Carrillo, P. and Scartascini, C.). Journal of Public Economics, 198:104422. (Link here)

Dissertation commitee